Genitourinary Imaging

Beak sign on IVP • “Beak sign” can be seen with large cysts seen on IVP
Bergman's coiled catheter sign Bergman's coiled catheter sign: on retrograde pyelogram the catheter is typically coiled in dilated portion of ureter just distal to the lesion.
Doughnut sign on IVP or angiography Lobar dysmorphism: doughnut sign on IVP
or angiography
Goblet sign Goblet sign: retrograde pyelogram demonstrates
dilated ureteral segment distal to obstruction
with filling defect and meniscus
Ureteral tumors
Pseudokidney sign (US) Elliptical structure in pelvis or abdomen with an echogenic
center (blood, prominent mucosa, infiltrated bowel
wall) resembling the US appearance of a kidney.
• Inflammatory bowel disease
Crohn disease
Infectious colitis
• Tumor
• Intussusception
• Always exclude pelvic kidney
Ring sign Sequestered, sloughed papillae cause filling
defects in collecting system: “ring sign.”
Renal papillary necrosis (RPN)

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