
Showing posts with the label Diencephalon

The Nervous System, Diencephalon

The diencephalon is the second division of the forebrain. It is a small area situated between the cerebral hemispheres.   The diancephalon is divided into the Thalamus and Hypothalamus, and has two endocrine structures - the Pituitary and the Pineal Gland. The Diencephalon: Thalamus Integration, processing, and relay of sensory from the ascending tracts to the cortical areas The thalamus receives  receives  sensory fibers from the optic tract, the ears, and spinal cord,   Motor fibers from the cerebellum Projects fibers to the cerebrum where it is processed Hypothalamus - the center for homeostasis - Temperature control emotional states control over the autonomic nervous system and integration with endocrine functions - sex, water balance, temperature control, feeding activity (Hunger and Thirst) The Hypothalamus: receives input from the cerebrum, the reticular formation, and other sensory receptors output to the thalamus to various effectors ...