Characteristics and causes of an enlarged spleen
Characteristics and causes of an enlarged spleen The mass appears from underneath the costal margin, enlarges towards the right iliac fossa, is firm, smooth, and may have a palpable notch. It is not possible to get above the spleen, it moves with respiration, is dull to percussion, and it cannot be felt bimanually. Causes of an enlarged spleen: Infection bacterial infection (typhoid, typhus TB, septicaemia); viral infection (glandular fever); protozoal infection (malaria, kala-azar); spirochaete infection (syphilis, Leptospirosis—Weil's disease); cellular proliferation (myeloid and lymphatic leukaemia, myelosclerosis, spherocystosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, pernicious anaemia); congestion (portal hypertension - cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis, hepatic vein obstruction, congestive heart failure); cellular infiltration (amyloid, Gaucher's disease); space occupying lesions (solitary cysts, hydatid cysts, lymphoma, polycys...