
Showing posts with the label Missed opportunities

Increasing immunization, Missed opportunities,

Increasing immunization coverage and the importance of missed opportunities The most important reasons for a child or woman of childbearing age coming to a health facility and not receiving the vaccines for which he/she is eligible: The failure to administer simultaneously all the vaccines for which a child is eligible. False contraindications for vaccination  Health worker practices, including not opening a multi-dose vial for a small number of persons to avoid vaccine wastage. Logistical problems such as vaccine shortage, poor clinic organization, and inefficient clinic scheduling. Missed opportunities can be reduced by health centres that see women and children by: Offering immunizations as often as possible. Routinely screening the immunization status of all women and children that the centre serves. Teaching health workers which are true and which are false contraindications. Ensuring that good practice procedures are followed. Abbreviations for particular ...