The Nervous System, the Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex Basal Ganglia Limbic System Cingulate Gyrus Thalamus Hippocampus Amygdala Brain function Ability to generate information and output signals in the absence of external input. Three systems that influence output by motor systems: the sensory system monitors internal and external environments and initiates reflex responses a cognitive system voluntary responses a behavioural state system sleep-wake cycles and intrinsic behaviours The Cerebral cortex is organised into functional areas There are three functional specialisations: Sensory areas - sensory inputs Motor areas - direct muscle movement Association areas - integrate sensory and motor input and direct voluntary behavious Cerebral lateralization of function or left-right brain dominance. Neurons display a level of plasticity. Sensory information is Integrated in the Spinal Cord and Brain Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex touch, temperature, pain, itch, and body position Visual Cortex...
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