Seven-day sleep makeover Written by Hannah Ebelthite, Zest magazine - updated by Dr Yacoob Omar Carrim

Seven-day sleep makeover

Written by Hannah Ebelthite, Zest magazine
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We all know what makes for a good night's sleep - sticking to a routine, avoiding stimulants, learning to relax.
But a warm bath, a cup of camomile tea and a sniff of lavender often aren't enough to help us nod off. And unfortunately, next-day grogginess and irritability aren't the only consequences.
Bad quality sleep can suppress your immunity and make you more prone to illness. It may increase your risk of serious illness, too, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Plus, regularly sleeping fewer than seven hours a night may increase the risk of high blood pressure in women, says a study in the journal Hypertension. And research by the University Of Bristol links sleeplessness with weight gain - the less you slumber, the more appetite-stimulating hormone is released.
But even if you're not troubled by sleeplessness, you may still not be getting the quality of shut-eye you need.
So remedy that now, with our seven-day sleep makeover.


Do this: keep a sleep diary

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This will highlight your individual sleep patterns, says clinical hypnotherapist Glenn Harrold, author of Sleep Well Every Night (Orion, £9.99).
'Note the time you went to bed, to sleep, the total time slept, if you woke, what you did, any remedies you took, the last time you ate or drank, and your moods on going to bed and waking. After a week or so, you'll spot the factors that help or hinder your sleep.'

Did you know?

'Research shows that people in the UK get seven and a quarter hours' sleep per night on average,' says sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley of Norfolk And Norwich Hospital.
'But sleep need is like height or shoe size - it's different for everyone. So stop watching the clock and listen to your body instead. If you're alert and happy after six hours, that's fine; if you need nine, that's normal, too.'

Sleep clinic

If you're physically shattered but can't switch off, try spritzing Bach Rescue Night Spray (£8.05, from pharmacies) on your tongue - it's a variation on the classic Rescue Remedy formula, which quietens active minds.
Sunday-night sleeplessness is common, says Dr Stanley. 'It's a combination of not actually needing to go to sleep early, as you've probably had a lie-in and not been particularly active that day, and mental stress caused by thinking ahead to another week of work.'
Harrold suggests the following mindemptying technique: 'Breathe very slowly and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth for about ten minutes.
'Allow your mind to go blank. Thoughts will still drift into your mind, but don't fight them. Just imagine a computer screen full of data that becomes blank by hitting a keypad. Imagine pressing that keypad, and you'll clear your mind.'


Do this: buy new curtains

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'Like most animals, humans are biologically hard-wired to sleep at the onset of darkness,' says Harrold.
'Only when it's dark does your pineal gland release the hormone melatonin, which promotes deep sleep. Even an LED light on an alarm clock or chinks of light under the door are best avoided as you must aim to sleep in complete darkness,' says Harrold.
If you can't eliminate all light, buy an eye mask.

Did you know?

If you haven't exerted yourself during the day, physically and mentally, sleep may elude you at night.
'You lie down and your body says, "what's the point of this? I don't need it",’ says Dr Stanley.
'Research indicates that exercise during the day will help you sleep.' But don’t leave it too late. 'An evening gym session may mean you're too stimulated and hot to sleep well,' he says.
'If you hit the sack at 11pm, say, finish your workout by at least 8pm.'

Sleep clinic

If you fall asleep easily, but wake in the small hours and find it difficult to get back to sleep, then stop trying and do something different. 'Don't just lie there watching the clock,' says Dr Stanley.
'Sometimes just getting up to go to the loo is enough to break the cycle. Or maybe you need to switch on the light and read for ten minutes, or make a drink.'
Just try not to do anything stimulating, such as watching TV. 'The key is to accept you're awake and not to stress out - you'll soon wind down again.'


Do this: try supplements

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'B vitamins are essential for sleep and stress relief,' says nutritionist Alice Bradshaw. 'Take a good B complex formula, as the vitamins work best in synergy.'
And if stress and anxiety is the route to your insomnia - or vice versa - try the amino acid L-theanine. 'Studies show it promotes good quality sleep,' says Bradshaw, 'as it's involved in the production of neurotransmitters that have a calming effect akin to meditation.
'Research shows 5-HTP also improves sleep quality.' Try Solgar L-Theanine, £25.85, and 5-HTP, £9.95 (

Did you know?

Researchers at the University Of Geneva found that people who get a decent quota of sleep perform better in brain and memory function tests.
It's thought sleep helps your brain consolidate experiences and learning, and boosts memory, as connections between nerve cells are strengthened during slumber, which means sleep is vital before an exam or interview.

Sleep clinic

If you're one of the UK’s 15 million snorers, before you reach for the nasal strips and throat sprays, check what type you are.
The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association has a test at that identifies whether your snoring is caused by an allergy, nose-breathing, mouthbreathing, or is related to your tongue or soft palate. It then recommends appropriate solutions.
In all cases though, avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking, and lose weight if you need to.
Also, see your doctor - snoring may indicate another, treatable problem, such as nasal polyps.


Do this: de-electrify

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A recent survey by the Sleep Council found that one in three of us makes phone calls or sends texts in bed, while one in five of us goes online, plays computer games or listens to their iPod. But it's definitely not a good idea, says Harrold.
'Studies show that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wi-fi, TVs, clock-radios and mobile phones affect sleep patterns in a negative way, stimulating your brain and body as you attempt to rest.'
He advises removing all electrical items from your bedroom with the exception of a daylight-simulating alarm clock (such as the Bodyclock at

Did you know?

A study at the University Of Zurich found that using a mobile phone for an hour before sleep increases brain activity, adversely affecting sleep.
'Keep your chats to earlier in the evening, and if you must have your mobile in the room with you, keep it at a distance - not on your bedside table next to your head. Or use a landline phone with a cord,' says Harrold.

Sleep clinic

If you sleep OK but wake up shattered, it may just be sleep inertia - the inability to come round fully after waking.
'For some people, the grogginess lasts minutes,' says Dr Stanley, 'but for others it's up to two hours. Natural daylight and using your body and brain will soon wake you up.'
What about that feeling when you've been dreaming all night and you wake up exhausted? 'The fact is you only remember dreams if you wake during them,' says Dr Stanley.
'So feeling that you have dreamed a lot actually means you've woken several times during the night.'
Dr Stanley also points out that dreams are very real. So if you dreamed you ran a triathlon or were being pursued, for example, your heart rate and breathing would have increased for real - another reason you may feel tired.
'Daytime tiredness may also indicate insomnia - the term refers to sleep quality as well as quantity,' says Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, who is the medical director of the London Sleep Centre.
'You may not always be aware if the sleep you're getting is poor quality. Look to your sleep environment, and ask your partner if you seem restless or noisy during the night.'
Identifying why you feel exhausted is the first step towards solving it.


Do this: try hypnosis

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'Hypnosis has a very similar effect on brainwave cycles as sleep,' says Harrold.
'The transition from full consciousness into a hypnotic trance will steadily slow your brainwaves and naturally guide you into a state that's ideal for sleep.' Harrold's book comes with self-hypnosis tips and a hypnosis CD to use before bed or if you wake during the night. Or to find a local practitioner, visit the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis at

Did you know?

In a survey by the British Chiropractic Association, about 25 per cent of people blamed their bed for their back pain, and 40 per cent of back pain sufferers said that pain affected their sleep.
Memory foam neck pillows and mattresses such as Tempur ( relieve pressure on your joints and support the natural curvature of your spine.
In an independent survey, 86 per cent of Tempur customers with back pain said their mattress relieved the pain and gave them a better night's sleep.

Sleep clinic

If you have restless leg syndrome (RLS), you'll experience symptoms such as an itchy, 'crawling' feeling in your legs as bedtime approaches, and involuntary jerking of your legs during sleep that may be enough to disturb your sleep or that of your partner.
'We don't really know what causes this uncomfortable night-time twitching,' says Dr Stanley, 'but if it disrupts your sleep as well as your bedfellow's (who may sustain the odd bruise!), your doctor may be able to prescribe medication for it.'
'Caffeine consumption has been associated with RLS, so avoid it from late afternoon,' says Bradshaw.
Try soporific herbal teas, such as camomile and valerian, instead.
'Magnesium is needed for good muscle function, so supplements may ease symptoms,' she adds.


Do this: eat right

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Whether a nightcap or a mug of cocoa is more your style, neither is likely to improve your slumber, says nutrition consultant Ian Marber, founder of The Food Doctor.
'Alcohol may help you get to sleep, but it ultimately disturbs it,' he says.
'Herbal tea or water is better, but remember not to drink too close to bedtime - a full bladder will wake you up later.'
When it comes to food, he suggests similar abstinence.
'You hear about sleep-inducing foods such as turkey, lettuce and carbs, but really the best thing to go to bed on is an empty stomach. You don't need fuel for sleeping and an active digestive system delays deep sleep.
'Try to allow three to four hours between your evening meal and bed.'

Did you know?

In a Sleep Council survey, 41 per cent of us cited lack of sleep as the cause of morning grumpiness. And women feel it more than men - only 14 per cent of us never wake up in a bad mood, compared with 24 per cent of men.
Could that be because 28 per cent of us squeeze in housework between rising and going to work, compared with 5 per cent of men?
'Sleep problems statistically affect both sexes in roughly equal numbers,' says Dr Stanley.
'But in my experience women are more sensitive to and vocal about feeling sleep deprived.'

Sleep clinic

If your sleep is often disturbed by noisy neighbours or traffic, what can you do to lessen your exposure?
'It sounds obvious,' says Dr Stanley, 'but many people "train" themselves to sleep through such disruptions, when it might be more helpful to find ways to eliminate the disruptions.'
So talk to neighbours, fit secondary glazing, wear ear plugs, buy blackout blinds - whatever it takes.


Do this: stick to your routine

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'Get into the habit of going to bed and rising at the same time, even at weekends,' says Harrold.
'This will help regulate your sleep patterns so you’ll soon become sleepy and wake up naturally at the same time each day.'

Did you know?

A Greek study found that afternoon naps reduce stress levels and your risk of heart attack.
In fact, sleep researcher Dr Sara Mednick, author of Take A Nap! Change Your Life (Workman, £8.99), says a 20 to 90-minute nap before 4pm will increase mental performance and reduce your chance of weight gain by positively affecting your metabolism.

Sleep clinic

If you've tried it all and still can’t sleep, remember that hormones affect body temperature.
'This can result in disturbed sleep at certain times of your cycle, during pregnancy or the menopause. Adjust your environment to remain cool,' says Dr Ebrahim.
'Also, some medication, particularly antidepressants, may affect your sleep, so consult your doctor.'
If you think the cause is medical, ask your GP for help and don't be palmed off with sleeping pills. 
'You can self-refer to a private sleep clinic,' says Dr Ebrahim. 'There, you'll see sleep experts and may spend nights at the clinic for observation.' 
Last updated 15.01.2009
You can contact Dr Yacoob Omar Carrim on for a direct appointment.


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